Dumb That Are Not Funny School Jokes

Everyone loves jokes. But not every joke is a good one. While some people have dark humor and enjoy hearing intelligent jokes, others prefer simplicity. Why? Because dark humor isn't for everyone. But simple jokes can help everybody to boost their mood and grimace for a long time.

Do you enjoy telling jokes? Or do you prefer hearing hilarious stories? In any way, you're at the right place! It doesn't matter what kind of humor you have, whether you're in the mood of making jokes or not, chances are high that this article will make you laugh and provoke positive emotions in you.

Do you want to inspire the audience with playful jokes? Just scroll down to find 75 stupid jokes that you can use to make people laugh quickly and get applause. If you wonder how people tell such amazing jokes all the time, actually that's what they do. All you need is to pick your favorite stories and remember them. Don't worry because such simple question-answer format jokes you're about to get introduced to, are very easy to remember.

Here are exactly 75 stupid jokes that will probably make you burst out laughing even when you're not in a good mood. And we promise you'll easily remember most of these silly scenarios!

The Best 75 Stupid Jokes Of All Time

Stupid jokes
Talking Oceans

Q: What did one ocean say to another?

A: Nothing, they just waved.

Imprisoned Picture

Q: Why did the picture get arrested?

A: It got framed.

Intelligent Dinosaur

Q: What is the name of a dinosaur with a large vocabulary?

A: A The-Saurus

A Threat To Your Teeth

Q: Name something red that is bad for your teeth.

A: A brick.

Trouble Playing Baseball

Q: What is the reason why orphans are not good at playing baseball?

A: That's because they don't know where their home is.

Penguin's Aunt

Q: What is the name of the penguin's favorite aunt?

A: Aunt Arctica

Earless Bears

Q: What do you call a bear without ears?

A: B

A Dog In the Bath

Q: Which dog likes taking bubble baths?

A: A shampoodle.

Strong Aunts

Q: Why do ants never get sick?

A: Because they have antie bodies.

Hungry Plumbers

Q: What is a plumber's least favorite vegetable?

A: Leeks.

Make a Melonade!

Q: What if life gives you melons?

A: You're dyslexic.

Next: Anti Jokes: Because We All Need a Laugh Right Now

Pregnant Horses

Q: Why do pregnant horses run faster than other horses?

A: Because they have two horsepower.

A Bike Can't Stands

Q: Why does a bike have trouble standing on its own?

A: Because it's two-tired.

A Witch On The Beach

Q: What is the name of a witch that lies on the beach?

A: A sand witch

Dad Jokes

Q: When does a joke become a dad joke?

A: When it becomes apparent.

Peter Pan

Q: Why is Peter Pan always flying?

A: Because he neverlands.

Clown In Desert

Q: What is the anime of a clown who's stuck in the desert?

A: A dry humor

Serious Dogs

Q: What kind of markets do dogs hate?

A: Flea Markets.

Talking Walls

Q: What did one wall say to another?

A: "See you at the corner".

Nuclear Physics

Q: What is the most frightening word in nuclear physics?

A: "Oops".

Yellow Object

Q: What is yellow and can't swim?

A: A school bus with children.

Mickey Mouse In Space

Q: Why did Mickey Mouse decide to go to space?

A: To find Pluto.

Next: 50 Math Puns and Wicked Wordplay Jokes


Q: Why do kleptomaniacs don't get puns?

A: Because they always take things literally.

Dogs Don't Get Lost

Q: Which dogs never get lost?

A: Newfoundlands.

Bomb In The Water

Q: What is the name of the bomb in the water?

A: A bath bomb.

Manufacturing Things

Q: Where are average things manufactured?

A: In a satisfactory.

Making Butter

Q: How much time do you need to make butter?

A: An echurnity.

Dialogue Between Eyes

Q: What did the left eye say to the right one?

A: "Something smells between you and me".

Dogs and Chess

Q: Which chess piece do dogs prefer?

A: A pawn.

Actors With Broken Legs

Q: Why do actors break a leg?

A: Because every play has a cast.

Eating An Apple

Q: What is worse than finding a worm in an apple?

A: Finding half a worm in an apple.


Q: What happens if somebody doesn't know what the word "Armageddon" means?

A: It's not the end of the world.

Stupid Animals

Q: What is the stupidest animal in the world?

A: A polar bear.

First Telephone

Q: Name the more important invention than the first telephone.

A: The second one.

Napoleon's Armies

Q: Where did Napoleon keep his armies?

A: In his sleevies.

The Teacher and The Lightbulb.

Q: What did the teacher promise to the lightbulb?

A: You will have a bright future.

Star Wars Movies

Q: Which Star Wars movie do baseball players hate?

A: The Umpire Strikes Back.

Astronaut's room

Q: Why did an astronaut clean his house?

A: Because he needed some space.

Bees And Their Hair

Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?

A: They use honeycombs.

A Blind Fish

Q: What is the name of a fish with no eyes?

A: It's Fsh.

Bear With No Teeth

Q: What is the name of a bear with no teeth?

A: A gummy bear.

Donald Trump

Q: Why can't Donald Trump be a Lannister?

A: Because he never pays his debts.

Next: 55 Ridiculously Funny Knock Knock Jokes

Volcanos Speaking

Q: What did one volcano say to another?

A: I lava you.

A Girlfriend In Jail

Q: Why did the boy imprison his girlfriend?

A: Because she stole his heart.

A House's Clothes

Q: What does a house wear?

A: An address.

A Blanket Fells Off The Bed

Q: What did the blanket say after feeling off the bed?

A: "Oh, sheet".

Jedi With One Arm

Q: What is the name of a Jedi with one arm?

A: A Hand Solo.

Hippie's Wife

Q: What is the name of a hippie's wife?

A: A Mississippi.

Sick Lemon

Q: What do you use to treat a sick lemon?

A: A lemon-aid.

Broken Pencil

Q: Why you should avoid writing with a broken pencil?

A: Because it's pointless.

A Singing Laptop.

Q: What is the name of a singing laptop?

A: A Dell.

Jokes In The Shower.

Q: What kind of jokes do you tell while taking a bath?

A: Clean jokes.

Magician and the Pizza

Q: How did the magician make the pizza disappear?

A: He ate it.

Farm With Bad Humor

Q: What is the name of a farm that has bad humor?

A: Corny.

Flying Fly

Q: When did the fly fly?

A: When the spider spied it.

An Italian Cook

Q: What happened with an Italian cook?

A: He pasta way.

Scientist and the Gun

Q: What is a scientist's favorite gum flavor?

A: An experi-mint.

Two Mountains

Q: What did a small mountain say to a bigger one?

A: Hi Cliff!

Dog's Favorite Seafood

Q: What is a dog's least favorite seafood?

A: A catfish.

Jumping On A Trampoline

Q: What is the best time to jump on a trampoline?

A: A springtime.

An Ocean Without Water

Q: Where can you find a waterless ocean?

A: On the map.


Q: Why do people like flashlights?

A: Because it's the highlight of their day.

Tiny Mother

Q: What is the name of a tiny mother?

A: A mini-mum.

Sacred Fish

Q: Why do fish hate playing basketball?

A: Because they are afraid of the net.

Traffic Lights

Q: What did one traffic light say to another one?

A: "Look away, I'm changing".

Atom On The Road

Q: Why did the atom cross the road?

A: Because it was time to split.

Panda Wants To Stay Little

Q: What is the name of a panda that doesn't want to grow up?

A: A Peter Panda.

Break It After Saying It

Q: What is something that breaks after saying it?

A: Silence

A Lawyer Priest

Q: What is the name of a priest that became a lawyer?

A: A father-in-law.

Spelling Cold

Q: How can you spell cold with two letters?


Dancing Dentists.

Q: What is the dentists' favorite dance move?

A: The Floss.

Math Buddies

Q: What is the name of friends in math class?

A: Alge bros.

Meditating Wolf

Q: What is the name of a wolf that is meditating?

A: An aware wolf.

Unimportant Elephants

Q: What is the name of an elephant which is not important?

A: Irrelephant.

Dasher and Dancer

Q: Why do Dasher and Dancer like coffee?

A: Because they're Santa's star bucks.

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100 Hilarious Jokes
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Source: https://ponly.com/stupid-jokes/

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